
Iterotext is not your typical translation company! Most organizations employ several sources to create their global information: technical writers, translators, graphic designers, desktop publishers & printers. With one call, your multilingual documentation project is managed from content creation through printing by Iterotext. Nearly all translation companies act mainly as project managers relying solely on a network of freelance translators to complete your translations. Iterotext goes far beyond its competition with capabilities that include: * Localizing the original content to ensure that information matches the region & cultures. * Controlled authoring to reduce your writing & translation costs while improving consistency. * In-house language experts to establish, validate & maintain standards for European, Asian & Middle Eastern Languages. * Document design & graphics professionals ensure a quality layout & high usability factor.

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  • DTP
  • Transcription

Opening hours

  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed
  • Monday 09 am - 06 pm
  • Tuesday 09 am - 06 pm
  • Wednesday 09 am - 06 pm
  • Thursday 09 am - 06 pm
  • Friday 09 am - 06 pm



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