el Andar Translations

102 Yosemite Ave. Santa Cruz 95060

We help non-profit and health organizations to translate and reach out to their communities in most languages such as Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, and a dozen other languages.

We can write, translate and design your brochures, newsletters, websites and marketing materials. We're journalists, writers, designers and public relations people with experience in the non-profit and private sectors.

For 23 years, El Andar has offered high quality services to non-profit and private organizations that require a delicate balance of ideas to be translated to local communities and national audiences.

Agent details


Total 1034 Listings

  • DTP
  • Transcription

Opening hours

  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed
  • Monday 09 am - 06 pm
  • Tuesday 09 am - 06 pm
  • Wednesday 09 am - 06 pm
  • Thursday 09 am - 06 pm
  • Friday 09 am - 06 pm



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